Sunday, December 14, 2008

the children

My wife and I have two kids. Two of us, two of them. I feel that you couldn't have a better ratio. Betsy disagrees. She wants to have another baby. I don't know how I feel, exactly, but we've been trying for a few months now and I've just not felt right about it. I think it may be the timing. I have a hard enough time getting anything done with two kids. And the time for getting things done for me is almost gone. If I'm ever going to get published or even finish a novel (the one sent back to me by an uninterested publisher is still in the envelope-I haven't even reread the thing, I'm so disgusted by it) I need to do it soon. I'm already comfortable with my failures and adding extra responsibility to the mix can only work against me.

Betsy is super-organized. She can do ten things at once and they all work for her. She can scrapbook, talk on the phone, watch the kids, plan a week's worth of meals, and juggle chainsaws all at the same time. I can't sit down at my computer without being afraid that the Solitaire demon will distract me from my task.

So, having voiced my concerns to my wife, she is none too happy with me. To say that she's furious might be pushing it, but it's in the ballpark. It's been very cold around here.

It's not that I don't love our kids and it's not that I wouldn't love a third (I was a third, so I know how great they can be) but I just don't know if I can be a good husband and father and father and father AND a writer. I'm a man of very limited resources. And patience.

Anyway... that's that.

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