Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spousal abuse

My wife just threw a loaf of bread at my face. I'm preserving the loaf of bread (which has a distinctly Matt-shaped imprint on it) which I will share with the courts of Indiana.

Today was... interesting. Jack's preschool had a May Day picnic, complete with a dance around the Maypole and the kids all dressed in a springly manner. All over the yard were displays of artwork and there was a very soothing sort of music floating around the place. The smell of hot dogs and hamburgers permeated everything. Also, it rained the entire time and the school staff hurried around to everyone explaining that they were keeping an eye on the radar and the rain would end soon and the day would NOT be ruined. Lies.

Also, my computer took the Dump of Death last night and I will be purchasing a new one just as soon as I can. Which could be a while.

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