Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spousal abuse 2

I'm sitting at a friend's house writing this. Why? Because I have a cut and a bruise on my right eyebrow. Why? Because my wife threw a set of keys at me. Why? Because she is unstable. And because I asked her to. And because she thought I would catch them. And because, as previously stated, she is unstable.


  1. Do any of the parents of your preschool read this? What a "HOOT"!

  2. haha.....nice try Beers. You said "Hey Bets, can you toss me that set of keys?" and I said "Sure, here it comes!" and I tossed them down the stairs at you. Then you didn't even reach for them, they just hit you in the eye like you were not expecting me to throw them to you. So, whose fault is it??? =)
