Saturday, March 28, 2009

Okay, here I go.

I've been having a really weird few weeks. Jack turned 5 and Betsy and I got him signed up for kindergarten and I got really, really constipated and didn't eat anything for about two days because everything I ate just kept stacking up on top of everything else I had eaten and I just kept getting rounder and rounder and feeling like I was stuffed with wet clay. So, I drank some magnesium citrate and pooped like a fire hose. My pooping is back to normal but my son is still 5 and is still starting school in the fall.

Most of my time has been spent arranging various things for my OTHER website, which isn't any more interesting than this one. However, the lack of updates on THAT website is the fault of my friend, Brian, who has all of the computer know-how and is just as lazy and as creatively impotent as I am.

Macy is talking a lot more, which I love because everything she says is so cute and stupid. Kids are fun that way.

Betsy is still pregnant, which I may not have even mentioned yet, but she is. September 18 is the tentative launch date. I feel way less anxious with this one. That seems unfair somehow. With Jack it was nine months of overreacting to ever little thing. With Macy it was nine months of wondering about the child's sex (we found out ahead of time with Jack, but we waited with Macy) and trying to remember what was coming next. This time, we're both tired all of the time and kids are such a constant part of our lives (what with the daycare and all) that adding one more to the household doesn't seem like a very big deal. Poor kid. Not even born and it's already being ignored.

And the weather has been pretty nice, lately, too.

1 comment:

  1. I found a type-o. I found a type-o. Ne ner ne ner neeee ner.
